
Friday, February 1, 2019

Fast import of billion lines to postgresql

This is the fastest way I've found about importing huge (3+ billion lines) text files in csv-like format in PostgreSQL. It requires python3 and psycopg2

# initial stuff by Cac Ko <email@gdpr_protected_stuff> 
# additional by <>
# import very large cvs-like file in postgre database
# 01.02.2019
# requires psycopg2 postgresql lib for python
# file format is:
# ----------------------------
# something12:otherthing2345
# something7134:otherthing4243
# .....
# License: Public Domain

import os
import sys
import psycopg2
from psycopg2.extras import execute_values

# use file in tmpfs for faster read/write
POS_FILE = '/run/.position'

# get current position from POS_FILE location
def getPosition():
    result = 0
    if os.path.exists(POS_FILE):
        with open(POS_FILE, 'rb') as f:
                result = int(
                print("result = %d" % result)
            except Exception as error: 
                print("Error read():", error)
                result = 0
    return result

# write to this file after each commit()
def storePosition(pos):
    with open(POS_FILE, 'w') as f:

# uncomment the following 3 lines if you want perentage / position on stdout
#    y = pos/whole*100
#    print('{0:.2f}%'.format(y), end = '')
#    print(" pos=%s" % (str(pos)))

# store stuff in database
def storeInDb(line, bulk_data):
#    print(line)
    x = []
    x = line.split(':')
    sql = b'INSERT into secrets (somestuff1, somestuff2) VALUES %s'
        execute_values(cur, sql, bulk_data)
    except Exception as error:
        print("Error pri INSERT", error)

if __name__ == '__main__':
        if len(sys.argv) < 2:
            print('usage: ./ filename-to-import.csv')
        f = open(sys.argv[1], 'r', buffering=2000000, errors='replace')
        whole = os.path.getsize(sys.argv[1])
        pos = getPosition()
        print("Start reading from pos=%d" % pos)
        line = f.readline()
            bulk_count = 0;
            connection = psycopg2.connect(
                user="postgres", password="somestuff", host="", port="5433",
database="postgres") cur = connection.cursor() bulk_data = [] split_line = [] while line: split_line = line.split(':') try: l = tuple(split_line) bulk_data.append(l) except (Exception) as error: print(error) pass storePosition(f.tell()) line = f.readline() bulk_count = bulk_count + 1 # store and commit in db after X lines if bulk_count == 9000: storeInDb(line,bulk_data) bulk_count = 0; bulk_data = [] #connection.commit() except (Exception, psycopg2.Error) as error: print("Error while connecting to PostgreSQL", error) finally: if(connection): cur.close() connection.close() print("PostgreSQL connection is closed") except KeyboardInterrupt: storePosition(f.tell()) if(connection): cur.close() connection.close() print("PostgreSQL connection is closed")
I am too lazy to explain how this script works and probably there are some errors but it works for me.